Chapter 1

Quality Framework, terms and regulations

The University of the Aegean has been awarded the Erasmus Map for Higher Education (ECHE), which provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities that can be carried out by a Higher Education Institution (HEI) within the Erasmus+ framework. The acquisition of ECHE is a prerequisite for all higher education institutions situated in one of the Programme Countries, who wish to participate in mobility and / or collaborate on innovation and best practices under the Erasmus + programme. By signing the Erasmus Map for Higher Education every Institution, every HEI pledges to ensure equal access and equal opportunities for all participants, indiscriminately.

On this basis, quality policy is formulated for each programme cycle, following a recommendation by the MODIP of the University of the Aegean and also approved by the Senate.

The procedure followed for the implementation of mobilities is governed by the rules and conditions of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide (…),

as well as of the Erasmus Map for Higher Education

( / documents/ applicants /higher-education-charter_el)

The Student’s Erasmus Map defines the obligations and rights of the students moving for studies or/and internship

( plus/sites/erasmusplus/files/files/resources/chartergreece_el.pdf).

Chapter 2

Implementing agencies, bodies, committees

IKY (hereinafter EMS/IKY) has been designated as the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme. The Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs and Student Welfare is the Institutional Coordinator of the Program, who is also a) responsible for supervision of the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme at the University of the Aegean b) head of the Institutional Erasmus+ Committees c) responsible for signing all administrative documents regarding the Programme (grant agreements, pay orders, inter-institutional agreements etc). The Research Unit (ELKE) of the University of the Aegean undertakes the financial management of all Erasmus+ actions.

All Erasmus+ procedures are appointed by the Senate and two respective committees.

The Erasmus+ Management Committee consists of the Institutional Coordinator as the Head of the Committee, the Departmental Coordinators, Schools representatives and equal substitute members, the Head of the Department of International Academic Programmes with his/her substitute member from the Erasmus+ Office and a representative of the Research Unit (ELKE) with his/her substitute.

The Committee is responsible for ensuring the smooth implementation of procedures carried out by the Erasmus+ Office. Following the recommendations of the Vice-rector in charge and according to the provisions of the European Union, as handled by the EMS/IKY, the Committee undertakes:

  1. The formulation of criteria included in mobility calls

  2. The allocation of places for studies, internship, teaching or training per School

  3. The validation of results regarding the selection of participants

  4. The examination of any objections tο the aforementioned results or any administrative malfunction occurring

  5. To propose further practices to the Senate, as regards international academic exchanges

The Erasmus Strategic Committee consists of the Institutional Coordinator as the Head, the Departmental Coordinators with their substitute members, the Head of the Department of International Academic Programmes and his/her substitute member from the same office.

The Erasmus Strategic Committee is responsible for the planning of issues of the Departments’ participation in academic exchanges and of general issues related to Erasmus+ actions (European and International Mobility, Joint Postgraduate Programs, Strategic Partnerships, Knowledge Alliances, Skills Development in Higher Education, Jean Monnet Activities). In this framework, this Committee undertakes:

  1. To act as a link among the Departments of the University and between the Departments and the Erasmus+ Office

  2. To formulate the strategy of the Departmental external collaborations and the annual map of the Erasmus+ collaborations

  3. To ensure the provision of organizational procedures aiming at the effective operation of mobilities, following the recommendations of the Vice-rector in charge and according to the provisions of the European Union, as handled by the EMS/IKY

  4. To coordinate and proceed with a principal compilation of the Departmental proposals, in the context of International Credit Mobility

  5. To forward proposals to the Senate, regarding international academic exchanges

Departmental Coordinators are assigned by the Departmental Assemblies and their role is:

The supervision, organization and coordination of incoming and outgoing mobilities, as well as the cooperation with the Erasmus+ Office and the Departmental Secretariats to ensure smooth operation. The Departmental Coordinator is responsible for the success of the programme within his/her Department.

  • The care and expansion of the collaboration network with new partners and the support of existing collaborations with Institutions from abroad, encouraging thus partnerships, student/staff mobility and Departmental Erasmus+ actions and initiatives

  • The connection between the academic community, the Erasmus+ Office and the partner institutions

  • The promotion of Erasmus+ Institutional actions

    Chapter 3

    Planning and Implementation of Erasmus+ Mobility

    The University of the Aegean implements Action KA103 “Student and staff mobility between Program Countries” and Action KA107 “International Credit Mobility between programme countries and partner countries”. In this context, the opportunity to move for studies and/or internship is provided to students of Higher Education Institutions. Also, the opportunity for the academic and administrative staff to move for teaching or training is provided.

    The Erasmus+ Office, at the Department of International Academic Programmes of the University of the Aegean, is in charge of the administrative support of the implementation of mobilities. Its staff provides guidance to incoming and outgoing participants of the programme and remains in constant cooperation with Departmental Coordinators and Departmental Secretariats; also observes that formal procedures are followed, according to the rules set by the European Commission and the National Agency IKY. In addition, the Office participates in publicity and informative actions and is constantly trained on issues related to the programme.

    The Erasmus+ Office submits proposals to the National Agency, after the respective calls. EMS/IKY announces the distribution to HEIs, after the end of the procedure.

    The Erasmus+ Management Committee sets the criteria of selection for outgoing students for studies and/or internship and for outgoing staff for teaching and training, which apply to principles of equality and are compatible with the principles also established by the European Commission and the National Agency IKY.

    The Erasmus+ Office announces the calls of mobility, which are also published on its webpage. Applications are submitted via e-mail, within the designated deadlines. The Institutional Coordinator convenes the Management Committee, which validates the lists of selection and decides upon the mobilities.

Chapter 4

Credits recognition process

The grades and ECTS of the successfully examined courses are listed in the Transcript of Records, sent by the receiving Institution. The Departmental Coordinator proposes the matching of the courses of the curriculum of the Receiving Institution to the Sending Institution’s curriculum, according to the grade and ECTS and the Assembly decides. The score of grades at the University of the Aegean is matched to the ECTS scale as follows: