Students Mobility International

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme for Studies and Traineeship (KA 171)

International Credit Mobility Programme (KA171) under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme, funded by European Commision, is open to students and staff from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) established in Partner Countries outside Europe, who wish to implement a mobility for studies or traineeship at a HEI of a program country. University of the Aegean (UAegean) is one of the HEIs in Greece that participates since 2015 as HEI of a Programme Country within the Erasmus+ Programme / International Credit Mobility (ΚΑ171). 

Before the mobility activity …

… can take place, the sending institution must have signed an Inter-Institutional Agreement (II-A) with the University of the Aegean and the student must have been selected according to the procedure and the criteria set by his/her institution. Once the student has been selected, he/she will be provided with all necessary support including pre-departure preparation, Erasmus+ funding procedure and monitoring during mobility by the University of the Aegean, which will host the student for studies or traineeship at one of its departments. Upon successful completion of the mobility, the sending institution commits to formally recognize the mobility period of the participant.  

Erasmus+ student charter and Guide to the Rights of Mobile Students in the European Union

The Student Charter highlights the students’ rights and obligations in the framework of Erasmus+ mobility programme. It tells the student what he/she is entitled to and what to expect from the sending and receiving organizations at each step of the Erasmus+ experience.

Incoming students may find the guide to their rights here

Erasmus+ Student charter is available here

Necessary documents for the incoming students before the start of mobility:

  • English language certificate (minimum B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Languages):

  • Copy of passport

  • Copy of Visa (if needed)

  • Tickets for the trip from Sending Institution to the University of the Aegean

  • Copy of the first page of the bank account passbook or bank certificate in which the grant will be deposited in Euros. The participant must be the holder or co-holder of the bank account.

  • Copy of certificate of basic health insurance and a complementary private insurance (for the case of repatriation and specific intervention)

  • Copy of civil liability insurance (mandatory only in case of traineeship)

  • Copy of personal accident insurance (mandatory only in case of traineeship)

  • The participants will need to send additional documents for the Research Unit of University of the Aegean, in order to receive the grant. Information and guidelines about this procedure will be offered by the Erasmus+ Office upon their acceptance by the host department. 

    Visas: Detailed information for foreigners wishing to visit Greece and, by extension, the Schengen Area (visa requirements by country of origin, Greek or foreign Authorities that issue visas for Greece abroad) are provided at the official website of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs :

Before the mobility can start, the University of the Aegean and the participant must agree on the activities that the participant will undertake during the period abroad.

The learning agreement sets out the study programme to be followed by the student, defines the target learning outcomes and specifies the formal recognition provisions.

The participant grant agreement sets out the financial support and payment arrangements to the participant. The agreement must be signed by both parties before the start of the mobility. The first grant installment (80% of the total grant) can only be paid to the participant once this agreement has been signed.

Online Language Support (OLS platform)

The Online Language Support (OLS) is designed to help Erasmus+ participants improve their knowledge of the language in which they will work, study or volunteer abroad so that they can make the most out of this experience. 

OLS platform makes language support accessible in a flexible and easy way. It also contributes to a specific objective of the Erasmus+ programme, which is to promote language learning and linguistic diversity. Free online courses are offered by the OLS platform in more than 29 languages (modern Greek language included) and the Erasmus+ students are highly recommended to attend them according to their interests, needs and availability.  

Participants are encouraged to actively learn foreign languages ​​in preparation and during their mobility and to self-assess their language level in order to benefit from the personalized learning experience.

It is recommended that all Higher Education students whose mobility lasts 14 days or more carry out a self-assessment of their language level in the mobility language of their Studies or Practice before the mobility period as a prerequisite of their mobility, except if the mobility language is their mother tongue. Instructions to carry out the self-assessment are offered below.

Students are requested to submit the result of the language self-assessment test to the Erasmus+ Office of University of the Aegean before the start of their mobility. Accordingly, all students are requested to submit the result of the self-assessment test after completing their mobility as well.

If you have already been selected to go abroad with the Erasmus+ programmes, you may receive an automatic message with the link to access the Online Language Support by the organization at the programme country. You may also access it following the instructions below. 

The OLS is hosted at a special platform of European Commission, called EU Academy.

In order to have full access to OLS platform you need first to register yourself at the EU Academy , which hosts the platform, and create an active EU login. Instructions for registration are offered here: Instructions for initial registration at EU Academy hosting the platform Online Language Support (OLS)

Instructions for conducting the language self-assessment test (assessment test) through the Online Language Support (OLS) platform

Access the Online Language Support (OLS) here 

After the student’s arrival at the University of the Aegean,

The Erasmus+ departmental coordinator welcomes the student at the host Department and guides him/her regarding all academic issues of his/her mobility. Mobile students for studies need to visit the Secreatriat of the host Department in order to be enrolled (the relevant procedure is described below). 

Regarding the required documents: 

  • The student needs to send a copy of boarding passes of his/her arrival trip to the Erasmus+ Office of UAegean

  • In case there is a need for modifications of the Learning Agreement (tables A2 and B2), it should be arranged by the student in collaboration with the Erasmus+ departmental coordinator of the host department and of the sending institution, completed, signed and resubmitted. Any part can request changes to the study programme within five weeks after the start of each semester. These changes should be agreed by all parties as soon as possible, within two weeks following the request.


Students and doctoral candidates from Partner Countries will receive a monthly contribution to their expenses abroad of EUR 850. Each selected individual participant will also get a travel contribution based on the distance from the sending to the receiving institution and calculated by Distance Calcultor

According to Erasmus+ funding regulations, travel tickets and original boarding passes must be kept by the participants in order to be deposited at the Erasmus+ Office of the University of the Aegean at the end of the mobility.

Language of Instruction and International Courses

The official language is Greek. However, the UAegean provides International Modules in English for Erasmus Students.  

You can find more information about the courses taught in English for Erasmus+ students, in every department, here

In addition, final year undergraduate incoming Erasmus+ students may also choose to conduct all or part of their thesis project at the University of Aegean. Any student seeking to undertake part or the whole of a thesis project at the University of Aegean needs to look for and get in touch with potential supervisor(s) at the host Institution and make the necessary arrangements well in advance. Should a student choose to conduct only part of his/her thesis project, then he/she may need to select an additional number of courses offered in English in order to complete the required number of ECTS credits.

Furthermore, you are advised to visit the website of the Department in which you intend to study in order to have access to the complete list of Academic Curricula. Intensive Greek Courses are also organized for foreign students every semester.

Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators

Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator of the host Department at UAegean will provide you advice on all academic issues of your mobility. You can meet Erasmus+ departmental coordinators during their office hours or arrange a meeting at their office. You may find a list of  the Erasmus+ Academic Coordinators of all the departments of UAegean, along with their contact details here

ECTS and Grading System in the UAegean

The ECTS at the University of the Aegean is applied to all Schools and Departments.
One academic year = 60 ECTS
One semester = 30 ECTS
One trimester = 20 ECTS






Very good






Non present at the exam

Practical Issues

Practical Guide


Accommodation: Incoming students may be entitled to free accommodation depending on room availability. If you are allocated a room, you will be informed in advance.

Enrollment at the host department of participants for studies at UAegean. Upon the arrival at the host department, participants for studies will visit the Secretariat of the Department for their enrollment. After your enrollment, the Department’s Secretariat will provide you with a personal identification number (Registration Number “A.M.”) needed in order to activate a personal account and to get a Username and an academic email account. By using your Username and the Password you can apply for your Academic Identification Card (Academic ID Card). 

Student Academic ID card

Erasmus+ incoming students for studies can apply for the issue of Student Academic Identity Card, for the duration of their stay for studies at University of the Aegean. Applications are submitted on line by Erasmus+ students in the following link of the Greek Ministry of Education: Academic Identity Card Online Service - Informational_Portal ( 

At the above website you should select english language and then apply through the portal according to the cycle of studies you are registered at the host department of UAegean. This means that, following the guidelines provided in the above mentioned website, 1st cycle (bachelor) students follow different steps of the procedure than 2nd (master) or 3rd cycle (doctoral) students.  

Please note that you should not apply for Academic ID card through the eIDAS portal.

Please note as well that the issuing of the card may take approximately 2 weeks. 

The card identifies you as a student at the University of the Aegean and it gives the right of access to libraries, sport facilities, museums etc. It also enables you to buy with discount, tickets for boat, bus and other means of transport to/from the city of the host department. The card must be presented to controllers of public transportation organization whenever there is a ticket control.

Academic Calendar 2024-2025

At the end of the mobility period …

… all participants will be required to submit a final report about their Erasmus+ mobility (EU Survey - Participant report). Towards the end of the mobility period, students will receive an automatic email by the EU platform with a link in order to complete the Parrticipant Report - EU Survey. 

Submission of the participant report and deposit of borading cards of the return trip are the required documents in order to receive the final grant installment (20% of the total Erasmus+ grant).

Contact Details

University of the Aegean
International Office of Academic
Programmes/ ERASMUS+ Office
University Hill, Marine Sciences Building,
Mytilene, 81100, Greece

Tel.: +30 22510 36167