International Office of Academic Programmes Erasmus+ Office | |
Deputy Head | Christina Varkaraki |
Phone Number | +30 2251036165 |
European Mobility | Rallou Matzourani |
Phone Number | +30 2251036118 |
| |
European Mobility | Nikolaos Papaselekas |
Phone Number | +30 2251036175 | | |
International Mobility |
George Koufos |
Phone Number | +30 2251036167 |
International Mobility | Elena Spathopoulou |
Phone Number | +30 2251036117 | | |
Postal Address | University of the Aegean, International Office of Academic Programmes/Erasmus+ University Hill, Marine Sciences Building, 81100, Mytilene, Greece. |
Website: | |
Skype: | Erasmus UAegean |
Facebook: |