Staff International Mobility

International Credit Mobility under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Programme is open to students and staff from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) established in Programme and Partner Countries. University of the Aegean is one of the HEIs in Greece (Programme Country) that participate within the Erasmus+ Programme / International Credit Mobility.

Teaching mobility concerns only teaching staff while training mobility concerns both teaching and administration staff.

Practical Guide


Before the mobility activity …

… can take place, the sending institution must have signed an inter-institutional agreement with the University of the Aegean and the participant must have been selected according to the procedure and the criteria set by the sending institution.

Before the mobility can start, the University of the Aegean and the participant must agree on the activities that the participant will undertake during the period abroad.

The mobility agreement (for teaching or training) sets out the teaching or training programme to be followed, and lists the rights and obligations of each party.

The participant grant agreement sets out the financial support and payment arrangements to the participant. The agreement must be signed by both parties before the start of the mobility. The first grant installment (80%) can only be paid to the participant once this agreement has been signed.

Before the mobility

Additionally, the participant has to send the following required documents:

  • Copy of the first page of the bank account passbook
  • Photograph
  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of Visa (if necessary)
  • Copy of certificate of basic (national) health insurance
  • Copy of certificate of private insurance (in case of repatriation and specific medical intervention)
  • Cory of civil liability insurance
  • Copy of personal accident insurance
  • Receipt of tickets payment (copy)

Scanned copies of signatures and electronic signatures are accepted only for the Teaching Agreement so you could send it via e-mail along with the scanned copies of the documents listed above. The grant agreement (2 original copies) must be signed and posted to the address mentioned below (signature).


Staff coming from Partner Countries will get a daily contribution to their expenses of 140 EUR per day. Each selected individual participant will also get a travel contribution based on the distance from the sending to the receiving institution calculated by the distance calculator. Travel tickets, invoices and boarding passes must be available by the participant if requested by the University of the Aegean.


At the end of the mobility period

the participants will be expected to:

 complete a survey and

send their boarding passes.

Additionally, all participants will be required to submit a final report.  Staff will be expected to complete the survey at the end of their mobility period and submission of the report will trigger the payment of the final grant installment to the participant (20%).

Practical Issues

Visas: Detailed information for foreigners wishing to visit Greece and, by extension, the Schengen Area (visa requirements by country of origin, Greek or foreign Authorities that issue visas for Greece abroad) are provided at the official website of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs :

Contact Details

University of the Aegean
International Office of Academic
Programmes – ERASMUS+ Office
University Hill, Marine Sciences Building,

Mytilene, 81100, Greece

Tel.: +30 22510 36167
Fax: +30 22510 36089