European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) - Call for participation - “The Night of Ideas” –
Date: March 10, 2022 from 5 to 10 pm (Germany, Denmark, and France) / from 6 to 11 pm (Bulgaria, Greece).

Every year, the Nuit des idées invites us to share knowledge and ideas across countries and cultures all around the world, encompassing all disciplines, arts and sciences alike, in order to listen to those who are taking the conversation forward in all fields. It is an opportunity to reflect on the major issues of our time. “The Night of Ideas” has become a global event, celebrated all around the world.
Celebrating the circulation of ideas across cultures, disciplines and generations, “The Night of Ideas” is an invitation to discover new ways of thinking, to listen to those who have theorized new ideas in specific fields, to exchange and debate over various issues. All forms of contributions are welcome (talks, artistic, performances, screenings, concerts...) and the most unexpected ideas are invited to join the party, offering an original interpretation of the theme of the year.
The theme that has been selected for 2022 is “(Re)build together” with ERUA’s own specific focus: “Collective Endeavors!”
Hybrid event.
Round tables blending up to 4 or 5 talks with artistic performances.
Target: researchers, non-academic staff, artists, Master and PhD students from the five universities of the European Reform University Alliance
Dissemination: open to all #nightofideas
Submission Deadline: before February 14, 2022
For information concering your participation:
For additional information about the European Reform University Alliance:
For additional information about La Nuit des Idées :
For more information and support from UAegean: